Opioid Addiction in the News

Kavanaugh, drinking and stereotypes of alcohol abuse
(Op-Ed by Christopher Smithers)

(NY Daily News)

By Christopher Smithers

Like many Americans, Judge Brett Kavanaugh enjoys his beer.

That much was clear from the Senate hearing last week. Repeatedly during questions, and in his testimony, the Supreme Court nominee reminded us that as a high school student he drank beer with his friends. “Almost everyone did. Sometimes I had too many beers. Sometimes others did,” he said.

Chris & Brinkley Smithers on NBC

(NBC News 4 New York)

Chris Smithers and his daughter, Brinkley Smithers, join NBC News 4 in New York to discuss how Brinkley was inspired to create the "Hey Charlie" PSA to help #StopTheSpiral of opioid addiction.

A Teen Wrote and Co-Directed This Powerful PSA About the Rapid Spiral of Opioid Addiction


'Hey Charlie' aims to promote medical treatment over faith-based recovery